Friday 6 January 2017

30 Min. Snatch That Waist & Six-Pack Abs Cardio HIIT and Core Workout | Snatched for the Summer #03

Support us and get bonus content and Live Workouts → Join our Newsletter → S U B S C R I B E → INSANE waist and six-pack snatching home workout combines standing cardio HIIT abs exercises, core strengthening moves, and isolated mat abs exercises to TRULY work your abs and help sculpt that six-pack.

[Est. Calories Burned: 178-386]

This workout consists of 25 INTENSE exercise moves - 50 seconds of work and 10 secs. rest between each exercise - be sure to warm-up before and cool-down after this workout. Always consult with a physician before beginning this or any other workout routine.

Equipment Used:

Workout Breakdown:

Warm-up -- 00:28

Water Break -- 02:58

Circuit 01:

01 -- Tri-Fly Sprints -- 03:28

02 -- Squat Ab Burpees -- 04:18

03 -- Wood Choppers -- 05:18

04 -- Relay Sprints -- 06:18

05 -- Love Taps -- 07:18

06 -- Tri-Knee Combo -- 08:18

07 -- Standing Ab Twists -- 09:18

08 -- Stork Sprints -- 10:18

09 -- ISO Leg Sprints -- 11:18

10 -- Pike-Tap Knees -- 12:18

11 -- Diamond Swings -- 13:18

12 -- Toe Tap Kicks -- 14:18

13 -- Strugglers -- 15:18

14 -- Bicycles -- 16:18

15 -- Alt Toe Taps -- 17:18

16 -- Side Hip Dips -- 18:18

17 -- Rolling V-Taps -- 19:18

18 -- Torture Tucks -- 20:18

19 -- Donkey Frogs -- 21:18

20 -- Side Heel Taps -- 22:18

21 -- ISO Pulse-ups -- 23:18

22 -- Stack Abs -- 24:18

23 -- Dead-man Crunch -- 25:18

24 -- Hammer Pulses -- 26:18

25 -- Gravity Climbers -- 27:18

26 -- -- 28:18

Water Break -- 29:27

Burnout!!! -- 29:57

Cool-down Stretch -- 32:26

Which was your favorite exercise move? Which was most challenging? Let us know below.

#HIIT #snatchedforthesummer #exercises #millionairehoy #homeworkout #weightloss #workout #sixpack #abs #absworkout #standingabs #cardioabs #absexercises #abdominals #sixpackabs


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Millionaire Hoy

PO Box 53448



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