Friday 6 May 2016

How To Lose Tummy Fat To Get 6 Pack Abs

Have you ever wondered why your six pack is not showing and why your tummy fat is still there when you are crunching hundreds of times and running a mile everyday? In every gym, you can observe guys crunching away hoping to lose their tummy blubber so that they can reveal their resplendent stomach muscle just like you. I have some bad news for you. It does not work that way.
Hey, don't frown just yet, because if you do and eat right, then you will be able to lose your tummy fat and get that six pack abs that you have always desired.

The first thing that you should know is that no amount of sit-ups or crunches will get your abs muscle to show if you have a layer of tummy fat covering them. Many people wrongly think that doing tons abdominal exercises can help them to get rid of their tummy fat. There is no way you can crunch away your tummy fat.

All gym instructors will tell you that there is no such thing as spot reduction and even if spot reduction is possible, the fat burnt by spot reduction will be so minuscule that it is not worth your while to even bother about it because there are many other effective methods to lose your tummy fat.
What you should do to get your six pack is to eat right and train with weights to build muscles over your entire physique than just concentrating on abs exercises and at the same time do things to lose your bulging tummy.

Eat and drink less sugar - Sugar causes insulin spikes and this spike make your body retains and store more fat. Similarly, avoid high GI carbs for the same reason. These are carbs which are easily digestible such pastas, white breads, pastries, confectionaries, white rice and starches. Also avoid sugary drinks and drink more plain water.

Eat foods with less salt - Salty food contains sodium that causes water retention. With less water retention, you will lighter without the water weight and looking leaner. Furthermore, eating too much salty food can cause high blood pressure. Also drink less soups because most soups are laced with salt, if not sugar.

Don't ever skip meals - Never skip meals. Skipping meals will make you hungry and put your body into a famine mode. So when you have your next meal, you will probably eat more to satiate the hunger. Your body will also tend to store more fat because it does not know when you will be in a famine mode again in order to keep you alive.

HIIT Training - High Intensity Interval Training is vastly superior to plain repetitive boring aerobic exercises where burning fat is concerned. You can search the web for the many versions of HIIT and once you are familiar with the concept, you can even make up your own personal HIIT routine for the sake of variations and body adaptability.

Training with weights - If you want to own a handsome 6 pack, then you must lift weights to build entire body muscularity. This is because your body is genetically programmed to grow somewhat proportionately. Furthermore, being more muscular will rev up your metabolism thus causing you to burn more calories naturally to shed even more tummy fat. Weightlifting is also an effective way to burn calories.

There you are. You don't need to do millions of crunches to get rid of your tummy fat for your six pack to show up magnificently.

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YouTube: six pack abs workout