this is how even fat people can get abs
my social media accounts of the video:
can fat people workout or diet to get abs?
Here is thing right, you hear a lot of information regarding this subject
The problem is that most of the info comes from people who already have six pack abs
How are they going to give advice to us fat people when most of these so called fitness experts have never been fat?
Even those who were fat are not in a position to give advice that would benefit us. Their advice only works for a certain type of person
Its like tiger woods trying to teach a beginner how to play golf
You think tiger woods still remember how its like for a beginner?
Tiger would be better served giving advice to someone who is at an advanced level in golf
So iv set out to find the best info suited to people who don’t go to gym 10 times a day
Here’s a disclaimer
If you set unrealistic/higher than average goals then be prepared to work 10 times harder than you anticipate
What I mean is that if you want to get a six pack in a tremendous amount of time or loose weight in a short time frame then whatever effort you think it will take multiply that by 10
You know why?
Simple we human beings are the worst estimators, we either overestimate or underestimate most of the time
So I say if you have a six pack goal rather overestimate the effort required to reach that goal.
Here is an example:
Micheal jordan and kobe bryants’ former coach Tim Grover wrote something interesting in his book “relentless”
He wrote that in his many decades coaching elite athletes
He would put them on a no sugar diet for an extended period of time.
Then would complain that it was torture for them.
So if elite athletes find that loosing weight the hard way is similar torture how mow much more you and me
So why am I telling you all this?
I just wanted to set the tone for how hard it was going to be
Not the sugar coated bull were fed on youtube by the so called experts
(did you see what I did there)
So lets dive in
Your diet is probably going to contribute at least 60% towards your goal
Meaning even if your go to gym 5 hours a day, your diet will cause you to fail.
So if you get your diet right , your 60-80% near your goal.
Myth 1: thin people have abs
Myth 2: Informercials
Myth 3 Thousands Of Crunches
Myth 4:Fat Loss Pills
I thinks it important that you realize that abdominals are a muscle too just like biceps so on.
People treat them like they are some kind of rare flower or something
Like any mucle grow you have to keep shocking the muscle to grow it as arnold schwazernager says
When your starting out aim for frequence over quality.
Meaning you have to go to gym/workout as often as you can
This is the period where you get you body used to going to gym regulalry.
Eventually going to gym will become a habit
Even if you don’t stay long in the gym. You want to make going to gym to be a habit.
Something you don’t even think about
If you want to 10x your efforts the go there 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes
Here is a list of exercise you should consider
Dumbbell Side Bend
1-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Oblique Crunches
1-4 sets of 8-12 reps
Decline Oblique Crunch
Hanging Leg Raise
Cable Crunch
Reverse Crunch
Exercise Ball Crunch
wokout as often as you can
here is the
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