Monday 23 May 2016

Flat tummy tips ~ Health Tips for the day | Daily Inspirations for ...#absdiet #absdietreviews #absdietworkout

Flat tummy tips ~ Health Tips for the day | Daily Inspirations for ...#absdiet #absdietreviews #absdietworkout
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Learn how having an effective diet, training and recovery plans are ...#absdiet #absdietreviews #absdietworkout

Learn how having an effective diet, training and recovery plans are ...#absdiet #absdietreviews #absdietworkout
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10 Workouts You Can Do in Your Gym


300 ab challenge- similar to the an diet workout but more intense

300 ab challenge- similar to the an diet workout but more intense

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How To Lose Love Handles

Are you ready to trim that tummy? This shopping list of 50 Foods for a Flat Belly is a smart place to start! #flatbellyfoods #grocerylist #superfoods

Are you ready to trim that tummy? This shopping list of 50 Foods for a Flat Belly is a smart place to start! #flatbellyfoods #grocerylist #superfoods
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Tuesday 10 May 2016

Six Pack Abs Secrets

If you are looking for six pack abs secrets then this article is for you! In this article we will be going over a few tips and tricks to help you get six pack abs. One thing we are asking you to remember is the fact that some of these tips might sound a little strange. Just try your best to do them anyways because we have tested out all of these tips and they all work great. So no matter how weird of strange the tip may seem, just give it a try to see how well it works for you!

Perform Cardio

I know a lot of you are probably saying you don't have enough time to exercise. But the beautiful thing about cardio is the fact that if you do it properly you don't have to spend hours each day doing it! In fact, you can get away with just doing cardio for 20 minutes if you do it correctly. The best way to do your cardio is to hop on a treadmill and walk for one minute then run at a fast pace for one minute. Alternate 10 times and you will be at the twenty minute mark. If this sounds easy give it a try, it isn't! But the cool thing is even though you worked out for half the time you actually burned way more calories!

Eat A Clean Diet

I am sure you guys already knew about this one! Eating a clean diet is one of the best ways to get great looking abs. This does not mean you have to starve yourself though. You should still eat frequently, just make sure what you are eating is healthier than what it has been. If you like snacks, start snacking on nuts and beef jerky instead of cookies and cupcakes. Also, try to eat at least six times per day. If you eat six small portioned meals you will notice you burn more fat than if you ate three large meals.

Focus On Form

When you are exercising your abs, it is more important to focus on your form than it is to perform hundreds of repetitions. You want to make sure you are going through the full range of motion and not cutting yourself short. If you focus on your form you will prevent injury and you will also make sure you are hitting the entire muscle instead of just part of it.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs FAQ - For the Complete Novice

Q1. I work hard in the gym but can't lose any fat. I guess it's just my bad genes, right?

Wrong. Lot's of people give up in their quest for six pack abs just because they think that they have 'bad' genes. But the truth about six pack abs is that the workout routine you follow and the foods that you eat are the real reason that you can't get six pack abs, not your genes.

If you get these two factors right then you will be burning fat and showing off those lean abdominal muscles in no time.

Which brings me nicely on to question 2...

Q2. If I really want 6 pack abs, do I have to spend hours every week on slow, boring cardio?

The fitness industry has brainwashed us all into thinking that we have to spend hours on the treadmill, bike or elliptical trainer if we want to get lean and really lose that belly fat.

But how many people do you know that have actually managed to get ripped six pack abs with all of this cardio? And more importantly, has it actually worked for you?

By the way, it is true that cardio training burns a higher percentage of fat during exercise than sprints or weight training.

However, circuit training, weight training and sprints create a hormonal fat burning response in your body that lasts for up to 2 whole days after you workout.

Not only that but your RMR (resting metabolic rate) will remain elevated for up to 2 days after each workout too. This is down to your body repairing the muscles used whilst working out.

Compare this to cardio where the positive effects last only 1-2 hours post workout.

As you can see, the residual fat burning effects of anaerobic workouts far outweigh those of the slow, boring cardio.

Did you know that too much cardio can actually cause you to lose muscle mass? This will reduce your RMR and actually make it harder for you to burn belly fat.

As you can see, the real truth is that cardio is not the only way to get six pack abs.

Q3. I really want to get six pack abs, but I am petrified of the gym. I'd love to workout at home but can't possibly afford the equipment. What do I do?

First of all, you don't have to be a gym member in order to workout. In fact, I personally haven't held a gym membership in the past 4 years. And my best results have come from working out at home. So it can be done.

Second of all I just wanted to let you know how inexpensive it has been to build up my home exercise equipment. Don't worry about needing all of those hyper expensive, home workout gimmicks.

All that you really need to begin with is a stability ball and a couple of dumbbells. As you build up you can add a bench and some heavier free weights to your collection.

Why not try checking out some online auction sites for some high quality second hand stuff. You might save yourself a bunch of money.

I've probably spent no more than about $250 over the last 4 years getting my equipment together. That's only about $60 a year! And I've got more than enough to be getting along with.

Friday 6 May 2016

The Truth About Six Packs Abs - The Best and Truthful Ways to Build Six Pack Abs

Getting six pack abs is one thing that most of the men desire these days. Getting six pack abs developed on your abs is rather a difficult task to accomplish. You need to know all the different and effective exercises and the way they need to be practiced, to fulfill your desires to acquire six pack abs and make the other guys jealous over your physique.

Some of them think it's an easy thing to acquire six pack abs only because they are over confident about the way they workout and perform exercises and diet, but the fact is when they try getting six pack abs for months together, they do not accomplish whatever, they plan and ended up getting no results, so for this you need to be smart enough to know what exercises you do and what kind of food you eat. It all depends upon exercises and diet.

Gaining muscles is not a very simple thing to do. You need to have every bit of knowledge of what are you doing to have those sexy six pack abs and muscles all over your body. If you stick to the below stated steps, I assure you guaranteed results in a couple of weeks.

You need to eat a balanced diet which includes nutrients and cut out alcohol, junk food and cigarettes from your eating habits. Eat a balanced diet with proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates.

Try and avoid the fats and carbohydrates you consume each day. Gradually slow don the intake of tea and calories depending on the amount of weight and fats you want t lose, it's very important to lose weight before building up muscles.

These are very important tips to gain muscles, implement stretching exercises and heavy weight lifts everyday s that you get good flexible muscles developed on your abs and get sexy six packs abs.

Lose Stomach Fat - 10 Tips For Melting Away Your Stomach Fat

There is really no need to buy supplements, diet pill, or any kind of ab machine to help solve the problem for you. The truth about how to lose stomach fat is through diet and exercise. This takes time and effort but is the most effective way. So follow these tips and you will be well on your way to a leaner you.

1) Avoid crunches. Basic crunches on the floor are not that way to go about losing stomach fat. They strain you neck and they do not target your abs. It is a big waste of time doing hundreds of crunches each day.

2) Do effective exercises. Ab exercises like reverse crunches and sit ups on an exercise ball are what you should be suing your time and energy on. They do not strain your neck and they work your abs well.

3) Clean up your eating habits. Stop eating junk food for the most part. Eat healthy natural foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and lean meats. Get variety with each meal so you get plenty of protein. healthy fats, and carbs.

4) Starchy carbs should be limited. Foods like bread, pasta, oats, and rice should be limited to just 2 meals a day. These will turn into fat if not burnt off right away. Eat them only for breakfast and after a workout.

5) Eat frequently. By eating about 506 small meals a day your belly fat will shrink over time. About every 3 hours fill your stomach up with natural unprocessed foods.

6) Cheat a little. You may have whatever you want for 90% of your diet. Just make sure your cheat meal are no bigger than your regular meals. This accelerates fat loss and makes dieting easier to manage.

7) More protein. The best sources of protein include eggs, milk, salmon, tuna, lean beef, turkey, chicken, and bacon. About a third of protein is burnt off through digestion. It is also the building blocks for muscle.

8) Drink more water. Water really helps you lose your gut. Try to drink 2 cups after every meal. It helps clear out the body of toxins and makes your stomach feel full.

9) Do compound exercises. Ab exercises are great for targeting your abs but if you really want to see results fast then doing exercises like squats, chest presses, rows, and deadlifts will really burn fat and build muscle.

10) Stay focused. If you are serious about losing stomach fat then you must use most of these techniques. If you want to change the way you look then you need to change up your lifestyle a little bit.

I hope these tips have helped you get a better picture on how to lose stomach fat. Check out this site for more information.

How To Lose Tummy Fat To Get 6 Pack Abs

Have you ever wondered why your six pack is not showing and why your tummy fat is still there when you are crunching hundreds of times and running a mile everyday? In every gym, you can observe guys crunching away hoping to lose their tummy blubber so that they can reveal their resplendent stomach muscle just like you. I have some bad news for you. It does not work that way.
Hey, don't frown just yet, because if you do and eat right, then you will be able to lose your tummy fat and get that six pack abs that you have always desired.

The first thing that you should know is that no amount of sit-ups or crunches will get your abs muscle to show if you have a layer of tummy fat covering them. Many people wrongly think that doing tons abdominal exercises can help them to get rid of their tummy fat. There is no way you can crunch away your tummy fat.

All gym instructors will tell you that there is no such thing as spot reduction and even if spot reduction is possible, the fat burnt by spot reduction will be so minuscule that it is not worth your while to even bother about it because there are many other effective methods to lose your tummy fat.
What you should do to get your six pack is to eat right and train with weights to build muscles over your entire physique than just concentrating on abs exercises and at the same time do things to lose your bulging tummy.

Eat and drink less sugar - Sugar causes insulin spikes and this spike make your body retains and store more fat. Similarly, avoid high GI carbs for the same reason. These are carbs which are easily digestible such pastas, white breads, pastries, confectionaries, white rice and starches. Also avoid sugary drinks and drink more plain water.

Eat foods with less salt - Salty food contains sodium that causes water retention. With less water retention, you will lighter without the water weight and looking leaner. Furthermore, eating too much salty food can cause high blood pressure. Also drink less soups because most soups are laced with salt, if not sugar.

Don't ever skip meals - Never skip meals. Skipping meals will make you hungry and put your body into a famine mode. So when you have your next meal, you will probably eat more to satiate the hunger. Your body will also tend to store more fat because it does not know when you will be in a famine mode again in order to keep you alive.

HIIT Training - High Intensity Interval Training is vastly superior to plain repetitive boring aerobic exercises where burning fat is concerned. You can search the web for the many versions of HIIT and once you are familiar with the concept, you can even make up your own personal HIIT routine for the sake of variations and body adaptability.

Training with weights - If you want to own a handsome 6 pack, then you must lift weights to build entire body muscularity. This is because your body is genetically programmed to grow somewhat proportionately. Furthermore, being more muscular will rev up your metabolism thus causing you to burn more calories naturally to shed even more tummy fat. Weightlifting is also an effective way to burn calories.

There you are. You don't need to do millions of crunches to get rid of your tummy fat for your six pack to show up magnificently.

The Truth About Abs - Is It Worth The Money?

Truth About Abs has become the most popular belly fat course ever written by Mike Geary. There is chance that you have heard it at least once somewhere. In spite of the popularity, is the course worth the money? Will you get the result that you always want?

1. What Makes Truth About Abs Program Different?

You might be surprised to know that the truth about abs course doesn't focus on stomach muscle at all. It is weird, right? How could the course with the content on how to build six pack abs doesn't focus on stomach muscle at all?

Mike believes that to burn and build stomach muscle it is better to focus on the intensive, full body workout rather than wasting hours doing cardio training, crunches or sit-ups that won't make you go anywhere.

2. Full Body Workouts will Help Burn Your Fat Faster

Full body workouts will help you burn fat faster and longer. Cardio training only makes your metabolism active for couple of hours but full body workouts can make your metabolism active for up to 2 days. That's why you don't need to train every day with full body workouts. You only need to train 3 times a week maximum.

When you are doing full body workouts, your stomach will act as supporting muscle, as a result you will develop your abs when you are doing your full body and at the same time get leaner and harder body.

3. Should You Do Diets?

This is another thing that differentiate Truth About Abs from other similar programs, you are not recommended to do any diet. Diets will only make you starve, and it's quite common for dieters to get their weight back in a month.

In this program, Mike will show you different type of foods that you can eat without having to do calories counting again. He will show you how to cook tasty delicious healthy foods that will help burn your fat.

When you are in doubt, you can send email to the Truth About Abs website and usually you will get your reply back in 1 or 2 days.

However, Truth About Abs is not a magic bullet. You need to alter your eating habit and invest your time to do the workouts and you might even have to wait for a month or so before you can see some results. Only after that, you will get the six pack abs that you want.

Can You Burn Fat Whilst LIfting Weights?

There is not a day that goes by that a client or a member of my training center asks me; "Can I burn fat lifting weights?" I wish the answer was a simple yes or no, but it really isn't. Instead of giving them my thesis paper all over again, I thought I'd write it here.

First and foremost, let me state that the body has three energy systems constantly working albeit in different ratios and proportions based upon the intensity of the exercise and the duration of said exercise. The three systems are ATP-CP system (the energy that exists right in the cell), the Anaerobic Glycolytic System (breaking down carbs for energy), and the Beta Oxidation system (Fat Metabolism.)

ATP -CP System this system is used primarily for quick energy. It is energy that resides and exists right in the mitochondria (the power house of the cell.) This is high intensity and fast acting, however it is very limited for its duration 0-30 seconds best for this one. Great out of the gate, but no staying power.

Anaerobic glycolytic System- this system breaks down carbs into energy by a multiple step process that enables the body to enter into the Krebs cycle or the Corey cycle. Depending upon whether there is oxygen or enough oxygen present during the exercise. This is the system along with the ATP-CP system that is primarily used during resistance training. The body uses carbs and the storage form (glycogen) to produce energy while lifting weights. It is quick hitting, quick acting and is able to be used without the presence of oxygen. Remember resistance training is anaerobic in nature (meaning it is without oxygen.)

Beta oxidation system- this is the system that breaks down triglycerides to produce energy. This system is for activities of a continuous rhythmic nature and this system does not kick in significantly until 16 minutes or greater. The triglycerides must have two things present in order to be chemically cleaved so they can be used for energy. Those two things are water and oxygen. First the fat molecule must be hydrolyzed, and then it must be oxidized. Let me give you an easier to understand illustration: If you were going to start a fire in a fireplace you wouldn't just hold a match under a log and expect it to catch fire. You need kindling under that (maybe some newspaper or some wood chips) as the match hits the kindling it catches fire then ultimately the kindling catches the logs on fire. Same thing with fat metabolism - the oxygen is the kindling. If you have no oxygen you can't break down the fat molecules.

Now, indirectly you do burn fat with resistance training due to the fact that the more increased muscle you have, the more calories you burn even at rest. However, during the resistance training session itself, you use almost exclusively, carbohydrates as energy to perform the exercises. So in the end, in order to most effectively change your body into the body of your dreams (or your girl's dreams) you should allow resistance training to play the role that it is meant to do. Deplete muscle glycogen stores and break down the contractile proteins in the muscle so they must rebuild stronger and more dense, and allow cardio to play its role, that of a fat burner. Cardio will used stored energy (fat) as energy and thus changing your body composition.

3 Steps to Full Six Pack Abs in Six Weeks

With so many workout guides popping up in supermarket shelves, sometimes, it gets difficult for a customer such as yourself to find the right workout system. It's not easy at all to get six pack abs in six weeks, but if you are determined to spend time doing repetitive exercise movements and strictly keeping with a diet routine, you should be able to find a compatible system soon enough. If you haven't made up your mind on what system to incorporate into your lifestyle just yet, these simple exercises will definitely help you choose the right routine while helping you prepare your body for the rough exercises at the same time.

Start by getting rid of old habits and living healthy. Of course, the first thing you should do before engaging in rigorous exercises is to change your lifestyle and eating and exercise habits. This also means quitting your drinking and smoking habits and living a nicotine and alcohol free lifestyle. Once this is done, move on to changing your diet as well.

It is important to observe a healthy, red-meat free or regulated diet. Too much consumption of red meat is not good for your health and will not aide you in your journey to building six pack abs. You might want to consider a protein-filled diet instead such as the Dukan diet, South Beach, Atkins, or perhaps a customized diet intended for body builders. Make sure you choose a diet that is compatible with your health-if you are diabetic, for example, make sure you choose a diet that will keep you away from excessive sugar consumption. The food you eat will definitely help you in your journey of building six pack abs in six weeks.

Do cardio exercises. The most common cardio exercises are weight lifting, walking and jogging; however, it is important to engage in other cardiovascular exercises-some of which may be physically demanding while the rest are easy. Spend at least half an hour per day doing cardio exercises. By increasing your heart beat rate, your body will burn stored fat. Cardio exercises plus a good diet will help you reach your goal of having six pack abs in six weeks.

Cut down on carbohydrates. When it comes to bodybuilding and losing weight, carbohydrates are everyone's worst enemies. Some ingredients and food that contain carbohydrates are: potatoes, rice, flour, bananas, and grains. To effectively build a six pack, you must cut down on your consumption of any food containing carbohydrates.

YouTube: six pack abs workout